GDHP Work streams
Cyber Security
Effective cyber security reduces the risk of cyber-attacks and protects organizations and individuals from the unauthorized exploitation of systems, networks, and technologies.
Cyber security has been defined by GDHP participants as, “The body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage, and unauthorized access.”

Proposed Global Digital Health Model Security Notice
The GDHP Cyber Security Workstream has developed a draft Global Digital Health Model Security Notice (MSN). When finalized, the Digital Health MSN will serve as an openly available resource to help health technology manufacturers and developers clearly convey information to their customers and users about their product’s security controls.
GDHP's Cyber Security Focus
The cyber security Work Stream focuses on strategies that can strengthen the processes and practices designed to protect healthcare related devices, systems, and networks, as well as the data within them, from security risks and cyber-attacks.

Lisa Lewis Person
United States of America
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy, Deputy National Coordinator for Operations, Chief Operating Officer
Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Fuller Yu
Hong Kong, China
Chief Information Security Officer,
Hong Kong Hospital Authority

Mikki Smith
United States of America
ASTP CISO, U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT
Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Shared Knowledge & Best Practices
Developing a network of sharing to support participant’s knowledge of cutting-edge developments and solutions, concrete experiences, lessons learned, and best practice in cyber security management.
Collaboration Framework
Creating a framework and exploring requirements for an early warning and alert system supporting international collaborations of governments and government agencies in cyber security.
Guidance for Medical Device Cybersecurity
Medical devices are increasingly a target for cyberattacks. In addressing this urgent global threat, GDHP collaborated with Singapore agency Synapxe to develop the GDHP Guidance for Medical Device Cybersecurity (GMDC).
Based on international regulatory requirements and standards, and leveraging Singapore’s existing cybersecurity framework, the Guidance for Medical Device Cybersecurity is an openly available, sound practice resource for medical device developers and manufacturers and healthcare purchasers to uplift cybersecurity practices through secure deployment and usage of medical devices