Who’s Involved

GDHP Leadership



The Netherlands, represented by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, serves as the 4th GDHP Chair. Bianca Rouwenhorst, Director Health Information Policy and CIO serves as Chair and the Department of Health Information Policy and CIO Office serves as GDHP Secretariat.

Nuno Costa, Executive Administrative Board member of SPMS, serves as GDHP Vice Chair

Vice Chair

Portugal, represented by the Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde (SPMS), serves as the 2nd GDHP Vice Chair as of January 1st, 2024. Nuno Costa, member of the Executive Administrative Board serves as Vice Chair.

Global GDHP Members

The Global Digital Health Partnership (GDHP) was established as an international collaboration of governments, government agencies, and the WHO.

Countries and Territories

Work Stream Co-Chairs

The GDHP has five work streams that advance global digital health in a variety of areas, namely: policy environments, clinical and human engagement, cyber security, evidence and evaluation, and interoperability. The Co-Chairs of these work streams include:

Work Stream Name Co-Chair Co-Chair
Policy Environments Canada Ireland
Clinical and Human Engagement United Kingdom Italy
Cyber Security United States of America Hong Kong, China
Evidence and Evaluation Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Australia
Interoperability United States of America Canada