Launch of the GDHP/OECD Policy Repository Tool

Launch of the GDHP/OECD Policy Repository Tool

The Global Digital Health Partnership (GDHP) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have launched a new policy tool aimed at advancing digital health collaboration worldwide. The OECD-GDHP Policy Repository Tool, developed by GDHP’s Policy Environments Workstream, consolidates digital health policies to facilitate cross-border learning and identify leading global practices.

Amidst a rapidly evolving digital health landscape, the tool enables countries to examine topics like data interoperability, cybersecurity, and digital health literacy, promoting the alignment of health policies and frameworks across nations. Designed as an evolving repository, the tool builds on the OECD’s Policy Checklist to map policy coverage and identify gaps in 24 key digital health areas, including data quality and public engagement.

GDHP and OECD members are already utilising the tool to assess their digital health maturity and pinpoint areas for improvement by comparing their policies with peer countries. Future updates to the tool are anticipated to include enhanced filtering features for country and topic-specific analysis, encouraging deeper international collaboration in digital health.

Policy Repository Tool User Guide