Looking back on the 13th GDHP Summit

We recently wrapped up an intense 3-day Summit in Vienna, Austria, and what a success it was! The 13th Global Digital Health Partnership Summit brought together over 50 government leaders and experts from over 20 countries to advance the global digital health agenda.

We shared exciting updates on our workstream projects, with many new outcomes and tools in the pipeline. Stay tuned for more information on these tools, which will be published soon!

The Summit also featured member country updates, showcasing the progress and achievements of our members. We welcome four new member countries to the GDHP family: Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malaysia, and Romania! Congratulations to these countries on their membership!

A special thank you to the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz) for their exceptional hospitality. 

The Summit is a testament to the power of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in digital health. We’re proud to have brought together such a diverse and passionate community of experts.

The 14th Summit will be hosted by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora in November. Tēnā koe, ngā mihi mahana! We look forward to continuing our work together to shape the future of global digital health.

"First, I said I was having a conference with digital health colleagues, but now I can say that I had a Summit with my digital health friends."
Meinhild Hausreither
Director General Sektion VI, Humanmedizinrecht und Gesundheitstelematik, BMSGPK

Digital technologies are revolutionizing healthcare, with individual engagement emerging as a cornerstone of effective healthcare systems. Recognizing this importance, the Global Digital Health Partnership (GDHP) , launched an invaluable resource: the International Insights on Individual Engagement (the I-E). 

In 2023, the GDHP Secretariat, then led by the United States of America’s Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (hereafter ASTP), worked with GDHP members to develop this resource focused on individual engagement through digital health. The I-E provides information to GDHP members and the public on efforts to advance global individual engagement. 

Released with the aim of empowering GDHP members and the public, the I-E has insights and tools for successful development and implementation of individual engagement strategies, including 62 GDHP member stories, best practices, roadmaps, frameworks, use cases, lessons learned, and recommendations. 

Understanding the importance of including digital heath equity to reduce disparities, the GDHP developed the I-E with health equity incorporated across the resource.

Many countries shared tools for success in areas such as:

  • Governance: establishing frameworks for individual engagement.
  • Digital Health Literacy: empowering individuals to effectively use digital health technologies.
  • Individual Enrollment: enabling individuals to register for digital health capabilities (e.g., portals).
  • Individual Access to Health Records: supporting individuals’ ability to view, download, and send their health records.
  • Health Records Integration: enabling individuals to share their records with others and integrate them with various health systems and services.
  • Individual-to-Provider Communication: enhancing connectivity and collaboration between individuals and their health care providers.
  • Virtual Care: delivering health services to individuals through telehealth and telemedicine.
  • Shared Decision Making: facilitating health professionals and individuals to work together to make health decisions.

The I-E:

  • seeks to provide real-world practical advice and lessons learned to advance engagement by individuals in their health care. Regardless of where countries are in the world and the health systems they have, the common theme of individual engagement is evident as an ingredient for successful health endeavors. 
  • highlights the universal principles of individual engagement while embracing diverse strategies tailored to local and regional contexts. By embracing digital innovations and prioritizing individual engagement, we can collectively embrace a future where health care is more inclusive, effective, and compassionate.