Cyber Security

Proposed Global Digital Health Model Security Notice


The Model Security Notice (MSN) is being proposed as an openly available resource designed to help developers clearly convey information about their security policies to their users in one easily accessible resource. Like a standard Nutritional Facts Label, the MSN provides a snapshot of a company eHealth Technology existing security practices, encouraging transparency and helping targeted consumers make informed choices when selecting products. The MSN does not mandate specific policies or substitute for more comprehensive or detailed security policies but allows for documenting a company’s standard security practices and applied security models or frameworks.


Security Notice Criteria

Are a set of security measures to be addressed by developers, manufactures or other eHealth companies.

Implemented Safeguards

Cyber Security measures that have been applied for specific eHealth technologies.

eHealth Technology

A generic term used for information and communication technology to support health and healthcare.  Examples of eHealth technologies may include mobile telemedicine, health monitoring and surveillance devices, mobile device applications that may be provided on patient monitoring devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs), laptops and more.

Code Colors

eHealth developers or manufacturers will provide information on their product’s security policies and measures by completing the “Contact Details” and “Implemented Safeguards” sections of the MSN.
Blue Text: Form guidance language
Green Text: Prompts for additional informationidance language

MSN feedback form submission have ended.

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